AWS Calibration Systems

The AWS-HY series test stands are designed for the testing of hydraulic wrenches and cassette type hydraulic wrenches from 50 – 50,000 ft. lbs. System accuracy is ±0.5% of indicated reading, top 95% of range, which satisfies metrology lab requirements while the robust features of these stands enables use in the harshest environments.

  • Accurate and durable transducer
  • Solid machined aluminum plate for weight reduction and long term durability
  • Steel reaction posts inserted into drill bushing or custom reaction plates to provide flexible torque reaction points
  • Test stand is internally torque accepting so stand is not required to be bolted down
  • Standard configuration is for test stand to be supplied with internal torque display
  • 25 – 50,000 ft. lbs. range
AWS Calibration Systems


Contact Info
302 - 43881 Progress Way Chilliwack BC V2R 0E6
+1 604 392 2658
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